from Pigeon Point to Point Reyes (to preview this book please click on the lulu Buy Now icon)
This is a book of pastel drawings and haikus created over many years
while exploring the California coast between Pigeon Point and Point Reyes.
while exploring the California coast between Pigeon Point and Point Reyes.
Goodbye Bolinas, we'll see you again (to preview this book please click on the lulu Buy Now icon)
It's a summer in the sixties near a small coast side town in California. A man, who has taken on the name of Shiva, is driving north on Highway One when he picks up two young women hitchhikers in his VW van. They stop and hike to an overlook of the Pacific Ocean where they are enveloped in fog and one of the women disappears. In an incredulous haze Shiva and the other woman travel on until they reach Bolinas. The town already has an influx of bohemians and bikers and has a colorful past. After a concert in the local community center Shiva reluctantly takes on the mantel of the next enlightened master. The word spreads and Bolinas becomes a turbulent, fantastic and ecstatic place. Unfortunately Shiva cannot escape has past and in a number of hallucinations he struggles with his inner doubts and the world's problems. Eventually a man comes into Bolinas looking for his lost wife. The situation that arises requires Shiva, as well as his followers, to confront themselves and behold unforeseen consequences.
Labyrinth a mythic journey (to preview this book please click on the lulu Buy Now icon)
Two brothers travel through stories that define their lives - from a fairy tale to a future world. One is trying to evade his past while the other is trying to confront it. Emotional and historical memories merge as they journey through a labyrinth of different times, places and characters...
Masama (to preview this book please click on the lulu Buy Now icon)
A contemporary mystery adventure story about twin brothers, born in the midst of a revolution, who do not know about each other. One of the twins grows up in California, the other grows up in England where the family lives in exile. At the age of 18 the English twin travels to Masama in northwest America.A secret guardian follows him as well as two revolutionary radicals hoping to do him in. When the twin from California receives a letter telling him he has a brother he decides to find him. This search eventually results in tragedy, reunion, and incredible family secret and a very different future for all of them
How to Find a Job (to preview this book please click on the lulu Buy Now icon)
An exploratory, philosophical and action-oriented approach to finding a job for the beginning job seeker...
Tell Me Poet
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Finally, a shot of the photographer from a book of photographs entitled Tell Me Poet. Add the lyrics to one of my songs and it becomes a homage to the poets of North Beach in San Francisco...